Tisserand Essential Oil

$112.99 AUD



Yarrow is a humble bloom which contrary to its unassuming looks, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, containing the compound azulene. Similar to German Chamomile, Yarrow is a deep blue colour and carries a medicinal, green fragrance.

  • Try blending Yarrow in a preparation for eczema or inflamed skin. Its soothing properties when applied in a carrier oil may help to soothe and reduce inflammation.
  • Emotionally, Yarrow is a protective oil. Add to a relaxing bath during periods of stress and emotional turmoil.


100% Achillea millefolium (yarrow) oil

Directions for Use

Once opened, store in a cool dark place and use within 12 months.


  • Do not ingest
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before use

For in-depth safety information on all essential oils, click below for the following resources: